The State of the Nation: 27th Nov Edition
..what we need is a clear message to the people of the country! This message should be read in every newspaper, heard on every radio, seen on every television. This message must resound throughout the ENTIRE INTERLINK! I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion! I want every man, woman, and child to understand how close we are to chaos! I WANT EVERYONE TO REMEMBER WHY THEY NEED US! - High Chancellor Adam Sutler, V for VendettaNegaraku, tanah tumpahnya darahku;
Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju;
Rahmat bah'gia, Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta;
Rahmat bah'gia, Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta.
The national anthem of Malaysia, Negaraku, or "My Country". We remember it well. We know its meaning. We know the vision that was had in mind when this song was penned. We may not sing the song as well as the finalists on Malaysian Idol, but we all innately desire to live in a nation that upholds the principles of its Rukunegara.
I wonder then, how these pictures demonstrate the embodiment of all things Malaysian (from Screenshots).
Or as this writer argues, "Truth and justice are no longer Malaysian way" (dated Nov 21, 2007).Recent street protests have highlighted the self-serving nature of Malaysia's Government.
THE Government of Australia will probably change hands this weekend. There will be no arrests, no tear gas and no water cannons. The Government of John Howard will leave office, the Opposition will form a government and everyone will accept the verdict.
For this, every Australian can feel justifiably proud. This playing by the rules is what has made Australia rich and a good place in which to invest. It is a country to which people want to migrate; not leave.
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The pictures above are of the Hindraf demonstration and the government's response. As with BERSIH, the facts are unclear about what really provoked such violent police action towards the demonstrators. What is clear is that Hindraf is fighting for the welfare of Malaysian Indians (it seems you can rarely have the word "Malaysian" without specifying which race of Malaysians you mean immediately after) in this country.
I don't agree with their handing over their memorandum to the Queen of England, making such demands of the British Government. But this country is supposed to be a democracy (note bold letters for emphasis), and thus the government has every responsibility not only to respect our views and opinions, but also to address our concerns. The short of it: you don't shoot tear gas into someone's face just 'cause he disagrees with you!Instead, what we have is a government bullying people into shutting their mouths to avoid disrupting the peace of this nation. They'll also helpfully remind us that without honest, good people like them in charge, the country will descend into madness and tear itself apart in a bloody civil war a gazillion times worse than anything the world's ever seen before.
But ask yourself the question, "Why is the country beginning to tear at the seams now?", and you will find the answer does not involve continuing to have BN in charge of our lives. Funnily enough, as John Lee has repeatedly reminded us, that doesn't mean we should vote in the Opposition either (read his thoughts about the death of Malaysia) just 'cause they're on the other side.
If you haven't already done so, start thinking about issues like:
..and the list doesn't necessarily end there!
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people," so saith the man in the Guy Fawkes mask. We're there already. Why else would Hindraf's action provoke such a tough stance from the government bench?
Let's not forget we can do other things besides joining rallies for noble causes (and probably get gassed and watered down - hard - in the process), like vote. Spread awareness. People, you're the youth of this country. Do something about it today! Tell your friends, your family, folks on the street. This country - and Malaysians as a whole - deserves better. So stand up!
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