The Third Son
If you're reading this now, I am a murderer twice over already. I've killed myself twice. Most people do it once and then they don't hang around long enough to tell the people they know that. Then again, being me, I guess in a way it was to have been expected.
So what exactly do I mean by, "killed myself"? For most of you reading this now, the answer would be pretty obvious. For the three odd years that I've been hammering out my thoughts on the keyboard, I've had two personal blogs. Both of them are very much parts of me, as much as my heart is a part of me.
..despite me abandoning my previous two "foster sons" in the dark before putting the bullets to their head..
Both of them, surprisingly, suffered the same fate as well: long periods of neglect, followed by the quick and painless execution.
Despite that, I find myself here again in Blogspot where I started off as a blogger. I'm not very sure how long this blog will last me, and whether or not I will maintain the dedication necessary to continuously update this highly public diary of mine.
Still, there is something that compels me to write, despite the lack of reader responses, despite the busy and hectic schedules, despite me abandoning my previous two "foster sons" in the dark before putting the bullets to their head.
Whatever my reasons (unknown to even me as they are), I take up this cause once more. Unlike the previous two, there will be no promises of discipline and consistency. I've failed twice already, and I see no reason to make promises I'm not sure I'll be able to keep at all. But do my damndest I shall, and perhaps, only time will tell what will happen to this "third son".
Au revoir.
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